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Payment of registration fees for semester 1/2024 is due.

admin philosophy
2024-07-16 14:22:23

Payment of registration fees for semester 1/2024 is due.

????????Payment due from now until 5 August 2024.

Print Pay in at https://reg.ssru.ac.th/main

Username: Student ID

Pass: ID card code/password set by the student.

Can be paid at bank counter or ATM/Internet/Mobile Banking or 7-eleven.

*If the payment is past due, you must pay at the one-stop service point at the university. Office of the President Building, 1st floor and there will be an adjustment fee of 100 baht per day but not more than 2,000 baht per semester*



โทร. 02-1601174 ต่อ 34 หรือ 

มือถือ 080-0847389 (เจ้าหน้าที่หลักสูตรฯ)




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