
History of the Program

          The Doctor of Philosophy Program in Philosophy and Ethics was developed with the aim to produce scholars with international-level knowledge, abilities and expertise in a field of philosophy and ethics who are able to produce new knowledge on moderate postmodernism and guide the society on various dimensions of life and society with confidence and dignity.

          The program was developed by Professor Kirti Bunchua who had been a member of the National Legislative Assembly between 2006-2008 and is currently the Chair of the Moral and Ethics Committee for the National Legislative Assembly. On 16 January 2008, Professor Kirti gave a speech at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, and during the speech he pointed out that Thailand still lacked graduate programs on moral and ethics, especially those focusing on moderate postmodernism.  “Such programs would help enhance level of morality and strengthen ethics in Thai society” said Professor Kirti. He also added that scholars in every field of study should determine to increase their knowledge and understanding in their fields until they could achieve in-depth and true understanding. Moreover, these scholars should also develop their philosophical thinking ability and value ethics. They should also be able to guide the society with their knowledge on philosophical principles and ethics, especially the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy which emphasizes morality, ethics, harmony, and good governance. Furthermore, they should also be environmental conservators and use arts and academic principles to guide their ways of life.

          The program was approved by the University Council and started to offer to the publics in Academic Year 2008 Semester 2.  Students in the program are required to attend 10 coursework subjects on basic philosophy in which they have to write reports related to the subjects. After completing the coursework session, students have to take a qualifying examination in three subjects in order to be eligible to conduct a thesis. Each student will be closely supervised by a thesis advisor during a thesis process. The program office is located on the 5th floor of Building No. 21. Students and interested persons can contact the program at 080-0847389.