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Problems are something that humans encounter every day.

admin philosophy
2023-11-01 14:02:25

อัครกาญจน์ วิชัยดิษฐ์ นักศึกษา ปร.ด.ปรัชญาและจริยศาสตร์

Problems are something that humans have every day. You just wake up and you already have a problem. Just what to eat is a problem. Living in general, including working, is a problem. But these problems we can look for answers to. Whatever you want to eat, just think about it. Then you can think of what to eat. It's easy to have the answer in your mind, but actually we don't know if what we want to eat is our real desire or a real need or not.

We can only answer what we will eat. But we forget to ask ourselves: Why do we eat? Eat because you're hungry. Eat because they say you have to. Or eat because the food is beneficial to the body. Such thoughtlessness causes humans to ignore many problems in their lives. Because just answering the question But I don't see what the problem is behind those questions. We answer according to habit. But it is a habit that prevents us from seeing the problems that close our eyes from our self-understanding...(click)